Freethought 29 Jan-10 Feb 2023

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Free your mind; Rushdie's Victory City; Pastafarians

Dear reader,

What does 'freethinking' really mean? How can we avoid being 'nudged'? Our latest interview is with Laura Dodsworth, author of the controversial book on the pandemic, A State of Fear. She has just written a new one with behavioural psychologist Patrick Fagan, entitled Free Your Mind.

Daniel James Sharp reviews Salman Rushdie's latest book,Victory City, published yesterday. And we are delighted to have a guest post by legal academic Frank Cranmer, with his own analysis of the Pastafarian cases in the ECtHR, and why Strasbourg was so unhappy with 'made-up religions'.

‘You have to know your own mind’ – interview with Laura Dodsworth
‘Words are the only victors’ – Salman Rushdie’s Victory City, reviewed by Daniel James Sharp
What is ‘religion’? Strasbourg and the Pastafarians again, by Frank Cranmer

I hope you enjoy the articles, and if you like them, please share!

Best wishes,

Emma Park
Editor, The Freethinker

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