Freethought update, 21 May – 3 June

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From humanism to blasphemy: Freethought update, 21 May – 3 June

Dear reader,

May was Humanism Month at the Freethinker. To round the month off, Madeleine Goodall of Humanists UK discussed the history of humanism in the 19th and 20th centuries and the Humanist Heritage project. We also featured an excerpt from a 1967 issue of the Freethinker, which bears witness to the historical overlap between humanism and other non-religious organisations and movements (secularism, freethought, et al.), as well as to the occasional tensions between them.

We are now into June, and Blasphemy Month. We have kicked off with a special Jubilee Twitter poll on whether 'Defender of the Faith' is still an appropriate title for the British monarch – if there should be one at all. Today's article is an analysis of the US Supreme Court's decision to overrule Roe v Wade, and of where opposition to abortion features in the game plan of the conservative Christian right.

New articles
- Reproductive freedom is religious freedom, by Andrew Seidel and Rachel Laser
- Morality without religion: the story of humanism, by Madeleine Goodall
- Jubilee Twitter poll: ‘Defender of the Faith’?
- The Freethinker on the British Humanist Association, 1967

Coming up later in Blasphemy Month
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines blasphemy as 'Profane talk of something supposed to be sacred; impious irreverence.' We will be construing 'blasphemy' in its widest sense this month and using our freedom of speech to dissect more than one sacred cow. Pace the Merseyside Police, being offensive is not an offence – not yet.

Finally, if you like our work, please do consider supporting the magazine with a donation or by becoming a member. Membership also enables you to post comments on articles and events in our calendar.

I'll be writing again soon. As always, if you like what we do, please spread the word, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Best wishes,

Emma Park
Editor, The Freethinker

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