Vivesini now on 21st July

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Vivesini - screening now on Thurs 21st July

Dear reader,

Just to inform you that the private screening of Vivesini, a new rationalist film from Indian director Bhavan Rajagopalan, will now be showing this Thursday 21st July at Conway Hall, London, with the same start time of 18:00. The rescheduling is due to the heatwave expected earlier in the week.

Attendance is free – all welcome. If you'd like to attend, please reply to this email, or contact

The event will begin with a welcome drink, followed by the screening at 18:15. The running time will be approximately 2 hours 30 minutes. I will then be chairing a short Q&A with the writer and director, Bhavan Rajagopalan.

For the trailer, please click here. Further details on our website or below:

'Vivesini' is Tamil for 'thinker' or 'enquirer'. The screening at Conway Hall, a historic seat of secularist, rationalist, ethical and humanist reform since 1929, is a tribute to the principles of the secularists, and more specifically to Charles Bradlaugh, first president of the National Secular Society. The film will include an appearance by NSS historian, Bob Forder.

The Freethinker magazine inspired the founding of The Thinker (Tattuva Vivesini), a Tamil magazine of freethought and secularism, published in British Madras in Tamil and English between 1882 and 1888.

Here is an introduction to the film by Rajagopalan:

Three individuals from Chennai, London, and New York are connected through an encounter with a ‘spirit’ from the enlightenment era. Shakthi, the protagonist, who has been brought up by a rationalist father, treks into a forbidden forest and witnesses a series of inexplicable events that seem to haunt both the forest and her mind. Her quest for an explanation accidentally triggers a social awakening.

I hope to see you there!

Best wishes,

Emma Park
Editor, The Freethinker

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