Lockdowns; Trans debate; Iran; Hong Kong

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Lockdowns; Trans debate; Iran; Hong Kong
– it's Civil Liberties Month

Dear reader,

Tyranny can come in many forms, whether under the banner of religion, politics or any other dogma, or driven by fear, or out of a pure lust for power. The purpose of freethought is relentlessly to question all such authoritarianism – as our latest articles do. We at the Freethinker are of the view that civil liberties are essential to freethought and to an open society in which people can flourish.

When science and civil liberties clash, by Helen Dale
The falsehood at the heart of the trans movement, by Eliza Mondegreen
The ‘Women’s Revolution’, report-cum-manifesto from two activists in Iran
Hong Kong Exodus, 2021-2022, by James Lin Shan Hon
Thoughtcrime, cartoon by Polyp with editorial comment

We hope you enjoy these articles, and if you do, please help us to spread the word.

Best wishes,

Emma Park
Editor, The Freethinker

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