I’m excited to announce that the Freethinker is launching a new series of free online seminars for all those interested in freethought history and its enduring relevance. The webinars, hosted by me, will feature expert guest speakers and you’ll have a chance to ask them your questions. They will also be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel. (This post will be updated and the video of the first webinar—on which more in a moment—will appear below once the recording is available. All posts about these webinars will be accessible here, and all such posts will also be updated in due course when the webinar recordings are available, thus forming a complete catalogue of the series).

Register for Freethought History Webinar Series #1: What does H. G. Wells offer today? With Bill Cooke

The first webinar will take place on 19 February at 7 pm UK time via Zoom. It will feature renowned scholar Bill Cooke discussing the subject of his latest book, H. G. Wells, and why he still matters in the 21st century. 

About the webinar: H. G. Wells has suffered a slump in his reputation since his death in 1946. And yet he has some very valuable things for 21st century people to understand. In a way Yuval Noah Harari and others have spoken of recently, Wells understood that humanism needs to change if it is to adapt successfully to 21st century conditions. In this webinar, Bill Cooke will offer a brief digest of Wells’s ongoing relevance to our needs and priorities decades after his death.

About the speaker: Bill Cooke is editor of the peer-reviewed journal The Wellsian and is author of H G Wells and the Twenty-first Century (Liverpool University Press, 2023). Among his other works is A Wealth of Insights: Humanist Thought Since the Enlightenment (Prometheus, 2011), a biography of Joseph McCabe, and a history of the Rationalist Press Association.

You must register to secure your place at the webinar. To do so, click here or on the image below, which also contains other ways to access the registration link. I can’t wait to see you there.

With thanks to Bob Forder for suggesting these seminars and helping to organise them.

bill cooke

Freethought History Webinar Series #1: What does H. G. Wells offer today? With Bill Cooke

Video added to post 19 February 2025.

A short video based on the webinar created by Rod Bradford of The Truth Seeker. Added to post 27 February 2025.

Some relevant reading

Why bother with H G Wells in the twenty-first century? By Bill Cooke

Wellspring of spot-on forecasts: a review of ‘H. G. Wells and the Twenty-First Century’ by Bill Cooke, by Nicholas E. Meyer

Humanists and ethical reform in mid-twentieth-century Britain, by Charlie Lynch

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